Stephen A. Smith Playfully Mocks Fan, Labeling Greg as ‘Offbeat’

ESPN personality Stephen A. Smith has been delving into non-sports topics more frequently on The Stephen A. Smith Show lately, discussing everything from the movie Cars to which Pokémon he relates to. This trend continued on Wednesday, with Smith inviting fans to submit questions across all subjects for his show recording.

Taking to social media, Smith requested fan questions in preparation for recording The Stephen A. Smith Show, encouraging his followers to submit inquiries on any topic.

“Good morning and happy Wednesday! Send me questions to answer when I record The Stephen A. Smith Show later today… anything works.”

Good morning and happy Wednesday!

Send me questions to answer when I record The Stephen A. Smith Show later today…anything works

— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) February 7, 2024

One Twitter user, @Greg16676935420, posed a hypothetical question to Smith about selecting animals to defend him in a battle scenario.

“You’re in an arena with: 50 hawks, 10 crocodiles, 3 brown bears, 15 wolves, 1 hunter w/rifle, 7 cape buffalo, 10,000 rats, 5 gorillas, and 4 lions. Pick 2 to defend you while the others attack you. Goal is to survive one hour,” Greg inquired.

Smith, in response, playfully teased Greg about his lengthy Twitter handle, suggesting it resembled a phone number used for solicitation.

“Are y’all ready for this question? And by the way, something is wrong with this kid Greg. What are you doing? Giving out your phone number looking for a woman? @Greg16676935420, that’s a number. You looking for a honey? Is that what you are doing? ‘You have my number, all you have to do is look at my Twitter handle’? Really, come on brother.”

— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) February 8, 2024

After poking fun at Greg, Smith proceeded to address the animal selection question.

“Are y’all ready for this from me? Lions are the king of the jungle. I’m rolling with the Lions. And then y’all ready for this? 10,000 rats. I didn’t say mice, I said rats. I don’t know too many things in life that will stick around to fight 10,000 rats. Lets get that out the way.”

Smith then elaborated on how the swarm of rats could overpower the other animals in the arena, highlighting their advantage in numbers.

“I can pretty much guarantee you, it won’t be the one hunter with the rifle. You ain’t gonna get 5 of them rats. What about the 9,995 left coming at you? Good luck with that. You don’t want no pieces of that. The crocodiles, you could say that. But that’s you in the water, not on land. Three brown bears, please, they ain’t trying to fight no rats. 15 wolves, they ain’t trying to do it either. Seven cape buffalo, only seven of y’all? The minute you see them nipping away at your heels and stuff, you are going to run like the elephants do. So let’s get that out the way. Five gorillas, come on now. So the lions and the 10,000 rats. I don’t see how you are gonna beat that. That’s easy to me.”

While Smith provided a detailed analysis of his chosen defenders, some viewers of the show disagreed with his selection and offered alternative strategies.