Establishing a Limited Company for a Family Vacation Home: A Comprehensive Guide

Property118 Ltd acknowledges the significance of privacy and understands your concerns regarding the use of personal data online. We highly regard the privacy of all visitors to (“Our Site”) and commit to utilizing personal data only as outlined in this Privacy Policy, aligning with both Our responsibilities and your legal rights.

Kindly review this Privacy Policy closely to ensure comprehension. Your initial use of Our Site signifies acceptance of Our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please discontinue the use of Our Site promptly.

  1. Definitions and Interpretation

Within this Policy, the following terms hold the specified meanings:

  • “Account” refers to the necessary account for accessing specific areas and features of Our Site.
  • “Cookie” denotes a small text file positioned on your device by Our Site when visiting certain sections, aiding in functionality. Details on Cookies are outlined in section 13.
  • “Cookie Law” pertains to relevant sections of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.
  • “personal data” encompasses any data relating to an identifiable person, directly or indirectly. This includes data provided by you through Our Site, aligning with the GDPR definitions.
  • “We/Us/Our” indicates Property118 Ltd, a registered limited company in England under number 10295964, located at 1st Floor, Woburn House, 84 St Benedicts Street, Norwich, NR2 4AB.
  1. Information About Us
    • Property118 Ltd owns and manages Our Site, registered in England under number 10295964, situated at 1st Floor, Woburn House, 84 St Benedicts Street, Norwich, NR2 4AB.
    • VAT number: 990 0332 34.
    • Data Protection Officer: Neil Patterson. Contact via [email protected], 01603 489118, or 1st Floor, Woburn House, 84 St Benedicts Street, Norwich, NR2 4AB.
  2. What Does This Policy Cover?

This Privacy Policy pertains solely to the usage of Our Site. While Our Site may contain links to external websites, We do not control their data collection practices. It is advisable to review the privacy policies of such websites before sharing any data.

  1. Your Rights
    • As a data subject, under the GDPR, you hold specific rights that We aim to uphold, including:
      • Being informed about data collection and usage.
      • Access to your personal data held by Us.
      • Rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data.
      • Request for data deletion.
      • Data processing restriction.
      • Data portability.
      • Objection to data usage for specific purposes.
    • For complaints regarding data usage, contact Us through the details in section 14. You also have the right to address concerns with the Information Commissioner’s Office or local Citizens Advice Bureau.
  2. What Data Do We Collect?

Depending on your interaction with Our Site, the following personal data may be collected:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address details
  • Business information
  • Property ownership quantity
  • Accountant details
  • Contact information (email, phone)
  • Proof of identity and residence
  • Financial details (income, tax status)
  • Landlord insurance details
  • Property portfolio specifics (value, mortgage details)
  1. How Do We Use Your Data?
    • Personal data is securely processed and stored, adhering to GDPR regulations. Data usage is lawful, based on contract necessity, consent, or legitimate interests. The purposes include site access, service provision, personalization, feedback analysis, and partner information provision.
    • Marketing usage may occur with consent or where permitted by law, ensuring compliance with GDPR and Privacy Regulations.
    • You retain the right to withdraw consent and request data deletion.
    • Data retention periods are defined, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
  2. How and Where Do We Store Your Data?
    • Data storage aligns with necessity and permission, with measures to secure and protect collected data.
    • Data may be stored outside the EEA, with efforts to maintain security equivalent to UK standards and GDPR regulations.
  3. Do We Share Your Data?
    • Data sharing with partner companies is for service provision.
    • Third-party engagements ensure data safety and legal compliance.
    • Anonymized data may be shared with affiliates, partners, and for statistical purposes.
    • Legal obligations may necessitate data sharing.
  4. What Happens If Our Business Changes Hands?
    • Business changes may involve data transfer, ensuring data usage alignment with this Privacy Policy.
  5. How Can You Control Your Data?
    • Strong controls are provided for direct marketing data usage, including email opt-out options.
  6. Your Right to Withhold Information
    • Certain site areas can be accessed without data provision. Full site functionality may require data submission.
    • Cookie usage can be restricted as detailed in section 13.
  7. How Can You Access Your Data?
    • Request data access details at [email protected] or through the contact information in section 14.
  8. Our Use of Cookies
    • Cookie usage enhances site functionality, with options for user consent and control.
    • Cookie details and management instructions are provided for user awareness and choice.
  9. Contacting Us
    • For queries regarding Our Site or this Privacy Policy, contact Us via email, telephone, or post as listed in this section.
  10. Changes to Our Privacy Policy
    • Any Privacy Policy alterations will be promptly posted on Our Site, with acceptance implied upon subsequent site usage. Regularly review this page for updates.