Tips for a Fulfilling Valentine’s Day Solo

I will most likely be alone on Valentine’s Day, and that’s no surprise. I don’t foresee finding love in the next couple of weeks, especially since I’m not actively seeking a relationship. It’s a reality I’ve come to terms with, and it doesn’t bring me any sadness.

Valentine’s Day used to hold significant personal meaning for me. It was the time when I met the last person I loved, and it marks the anniversary of the last time I saw him—during another Valentine’s season before the world was engulfed by the pandemic. For a period, the holiday evoked sadness not because I was by myself, but because it reminded me of what I once had and lost.

Reflecting on Valentine’s Day

However, life goes on, and I couldn’t linger in those memories forever. I started creating new, positive memories surrounding the holiday. I shifted my focus from romantic love as the sole important aspect and began appreciating the other forms of love in my life. There are numerous ways to reclaim the holiday’s significance and make it special even without a significant other.

Spreading Kindness on Valentine’s Day

Acts of kindness are valuable throughout the year, but they hold particular significance on a day when many individuals feel lonely. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, we can brighten someone else’s day. Whether it’s delivering valentines to a senior center, surprising a single friend, or distributing flowers in the community, small gestures can make a big difference. The possibilities for acts of kindness are endless.

Volunteering on Valentine’s Day

Animal shelters often welcome volunteers to walk dogs or appreciate donations of pet supplies. Food banks and libraries also appreciate assistance. Whatever holds meaning for us, there’s a way to give back on Valentine’s Day, spreading love in a world that can always use more of it.

Celebrating Friendships on Valentine’s Day

I enjoy celebrating the holiday with my friends. While platonic love may sometimes take a back seat on Valentine’s Day, it’s essential to recognize the enduring support of friends through the highs and lows of life. While romantic partners may come and go, true friends remain. Celebrating these friendships reminds us that being single isn’t a tragedy.

Sweet Gestures on Valentine’s Day

Recalling our school days, we can empathize with the discomfort some feel on Valentine’s Day, especially those not in relationships. Everyone wants to feel special, and we all have the ability to make others feel cherished.

This year, my valentines will be my children. I take joy in letting them know that they are my most cherished loves, unconditionally and forever. It’s vital for them to understand that romantic love isn’t the only significant form of love. Surprising the children in our lives with valentines is a sweet way to express our affection.

Self-Love on Valentine’s Day

Lastly, it’s essential to consider being our own valentine. Embracing self-love and pampering ourselves isn’t a consolation prize for being single. It’s crucial to care for ourselves and make the day special, regardless of our relationship status.

This year, I treated myself to a heart-shaped taco tray with chocolate, pre-ordered from a local business offering a holiday special. Even without a partner to share it with, I can relish it on my own or share it with friends or family. I’m looking forward to it, providing me with something to anticipate beyond simply giving valentines to my children.

Embracing Love and Gratitude

This year, I have no intention of hosting a pity party for myself. While I may lack a significant other, it doesn’t mean the holiday can’t be enjoyable. Valentine’s Day is all about love. Some may criticize its commercialization, but I appreciate a day dedicated to showing care for others.

I won’t dwell on the notion that I’m unloved. In reality, I am surrounded by love—from my children to my devoted pets, family, and friends. While moments of loneliness may arise, I acknowledge them as part of the human experience without succumbing to despair. If I choose to dwell on my emotions, I want to focus on gratitude this year, spread joy to others, and indulge in self-care.

Happy Valentine’s Day!