Transformative Impact of a Five-Week Solo Getaway on My Life

Seven years ago, I experienced a sense of disillusionment with life, trapped in a repetitive cycle akin to Groundhog Day. The realization dawned on me that a change was imperative.

Employed in corporate media, thoughts of departing from my job consumed my days. The tipping point arrived when the prospect of abandoning my career failed to evoke anxiety, unlike uncertain decisions typically would. The yearning for an adventure propelled me to take a leap of faith.

The moment I made the decision, a burden seemed to lift off my shoulders. Although the idea of resigning without a backup plan was daunting, the prospect of a hiatus excited me. With sufficient savings for an extended solo journey, the anticipation was palpable.

Embarking on an Australian Expedition

Opting for a five-week escapade to Australia, I selected Melbourne due to a friend residing there, providing a safety net for this solo female traveler.

Unbeknownst to me, Melbourne would serve as a pivotal point of transformation in my life.

Prolonging the Sojourn

Initially planning a month-long stay in Australia, I extended my holiday to five months. Shortly after arriving, I joined a local running club in Melbourne, instantly feeling a sense of belonging within the group.

© Tristan Furney

Amy Chapman ventured into ultramarathons without prior experience

Forging new friendships and becoming ingrained in the community fueled my desire to remain. Formerly a casual runner, primarily engaging in 5KM runs, I was encouraged by my running club peers, despite my novice status, to participate in an ultramarathon – a challenge I embraced.

Research by holiday company First Choice reveals that I was not alone in delving into the unknown while abroad, with nearly half of Brits discovering new passions during their travels.

INSPIRATION: A simple act of kindness altered the course of my life – here’s the story

Exploring the motivation behind embracing new endeavors while traveling, Dr. Becky Spelman, a psychologist from Harley Street, explains: “Traveling often presents opportunities for active engagement and immersion in novel experiences that may not be accessible otherwise.

© Arran Mcaskill

Amy’s life took a new direction through a solitary journey

“Venturing abroad disrupts the autopilot mode, stimulating brain activity and enhancing receptivity to acquiring fresh skills in an unfamiliar environment. The deviation from routine nurtures an open mindset towards novel experiences and hobbies, fostering ideal circumstances for personal growth and learning.”

Conquering an Ultramarathon

Venturing into an ultramarathon without adequate training or expectations is not recommended. However, this endeavor illuminated my capacity to confront challenges, exert maximum effort, and surpass self-imposed limitations, instilling a profound sense of confidence.

© Max Willcocks

Amy thrived on pushing her limits

This experience enabled me to confront my inner doubts and negative self-talk, equipping me with strategies to manage such internal dialogues across various facets of life.

Upon returning from my extended holiday, I delved deeper into endurance sports and the running community, participating in numerous long-distance races globally.

INSPIRATION: Embarking on my first ultramarathon at the age of 46 – a non-runner’s journey!

My forthcoming endeavor involves a 350-mile relay race through Death Valley, California, alongside an all-female team to contribute to the collection of data concerning women in endurance sports, addressing the significant gender data gap in sports science research.

The trajectory of my life altered significantly through my foray into running, all stemming from a willingness to embrace the unfamiliar!