Impact of Spain’s Expensive Regulation on Your Travel Experience

As sunshine and warmer days approach, many of us are eager to plan our summer getaways. With a simple click or tap, we venture onto flight and hotel booking sites, eagerly searching for the perfect vacation spot. For those residing in Britain, Spain has long been a beloved nearby destination, renowned for its alluring climate and inviting culture.

However, recent news about a surprise monetary law implemented in Spain specifically targeting tourists has certainly raised some eyebrows and sparked concern among travelers.

Spain, a country that Brits fondly flock to for sun-soaked escapes, as evidenced by Spain is a popular choice among Brits for summer getaways. (Getty Stock Photo) (Getty Stock Photo), now mandates a daily financial requirement. The new policy stipulates that British visitors must provide proof of funds equivalent to €113.40 (£97) per person, per day, for the entirety of their Spanish holiday.

Understandably, this announcement has been met with less than enthusiastic responses, even prompting some travelers to reconsider returning to Spain due to the stringent new rule.

Fortunately, Chelsea, a seasoned expert from, is here to guide us through the intricacies of this surprising development, offering insights on preparation, the level of enforcement, and alternatives for those who may fall short of the monetary requirement.

Stay tuned as we navigate this unexpected twist in summer travel plans, ensuring that your vacations remain enjoyable and stress-free!

How novel is this rule?

This regulation isn’t new at all! In fact, it has been enforced since January 1, 2022, with a daily personal allowance of £85 per person, which was later increased to £93 in 2023.

There’s no need for concern; this policy has been standard practice for some time now and is only gaining attention post-COVID.

Brexit’s Impact: Assigning Blame

The short answer is yes; Brexit has undoubtedly played a role in the changing travel dynamics for British citizens. With the UK’s departure from the EU, the freedom of movement that Brits once enjoyed across the continent has been curtailed. The end of their EU membership means more stringent checks and restrictions on travel, no longer limited to EU countries but now encompassing the entire European realm.

The New Normal

British travelers now encounter similar entry requirements as visitors from other third countries. This entails providing proof of funds to cover their stay, confirmed accommodation plans, and even presenting a return or onward ticket. These measures are standard across the bloc and affect not just Spain but all EU countries. For instance, if you’re planning a trip to Paris or Berlin, be prepared to undergo these closer examinations at entry points.

It’s important that you’re ready to show proof of funds upon arrival. (Getty Stock Photo) Having the necessary documentation readily available upon your arrival is crucial. (Getty Stock Photo)

These new protocols serve as a reminder of how Brexit has reshaped the travel landscape for UK citizens, introducing a layer of complexity that wasn’t present during their EU membership days. While it may be an adjustment, being prepared and aware of these requirements will ensure a smoother journey through Europe’s borders.

Impact on Your Holiday Plans

The Spanish Ministry has stated that “foreign visitors may be asked to provide proof of sufficient funds during their stay in the country.” This means that while showing your bank statement upon arrival is not mandatory for all tourists, authorities may perform random checks.

So, consider this as a possibility during your trip, much like a random spot check – you might be selected, or you might sail through without any hassle. It’s a standard procedure to ensure compliance with their entry requirements and shouldn’t dampen your holiday spirits!

Has This Scenario Occurred in Reality?

Following the emergence of this news, Chelsea took to Instagram to conduct an informal survey. She requested her followers who had visited Spain during 2022 to share their experiences regarding inquiries about financial resources.

Out of 1373 respondents, only a mere four individuals shared anecdotes of being questioned about their monetary funds upon entry into the country. All of these instances occurred in 2022, and just one person was required to present proof of accommodation and a return flight ticket, briefly presenting their credit card without the need for a bank statement or account balance check.

The remaining three respondents claimed that merely displaying their credit cards sufficed, indicating a lack of rigorous examination by authorities. However, as tourist volumes increase, there may be a heightened likelihood of more stringent checks being implemented for incoming visitors.

These firsthand accounts underscore the importance of staying informed about entry requirements when traveling to Spain or any other international destination. It’s always advisable to prepare the necessary documentation and be ready to address inquiries related to your visit.

Note: I’ve retained the core meaning while adding some variation in sentence structure, enhancing readability, and providing a more engaging tone for the target audience.

How Should You Prepare?

Even if the likelihood is slim, it’s always best to be over-prepared. Ensure you have the following readily available:

  • Proof of your return or onward travel plans.
  • Confirmation of your accommodation booking, along with the address.

While screenshots are acceptable, having PDFs or official documents may create a better impression.

Border Checks for Brits

Brits will have to prepare for spot checks when entering EU countries from now on. (Getty Stock Photo) As a British national, you should be aware that spot checks when entering EU countries are now common. So, prepare your documentation to avoid any delays or issues during these checks.

Preparing to Prove Your Financial Resources

When it comes to demonstrating financial readiness for your travels, a crucial step is ensuring you can cover £97 per day. This calculation may entail additional considerations for families or groups, requiring some careful mathematics to ensure everyone is accounted for.

Easy access to your bank cards is essential and could be a straightforward way to illustrate your financial means. However, as Chelsea highlights, officers often seek verbal confirmation from tourists regarding their funds. Thus, it’s wise to be prepared to articulate your financial situation clearly.

For further validation, the Spanish Ministry of Interior offers a comprehensive list of acceptable proofs:

”…you can prove your financial means in cash, or by presenting certified checks, traveler’s checks, letters of payment, or credit cards. These must be accompanied by a bank statement or an up-to-date bankbook (letters from banks or internet statements won’t cut it here). You may also use any other valid document showing the available credit on said card or in your bank account.”

So, whether you prefer to rely on cash, checks, cards, or a combination thereof, ensure you have the necessary documentation readily available and well-organized. This will help streamline your interactions with officials and reinforce your readiness for the financial aspects of your journey.

What if I don’t have enough funds?

While there haven’t been any reported cases yet, it’s important to note the official stance from the Spanish government on this matter. They state that should a foreigner be unable to demonstrate sufficient financial means for their intended stay in Spain and subsequent travel or return, they may deny entry:

”…their entry into Spanish territory will be denied as established by regulation.”

The authorities may reduce the length of your stay if you are allowed entry under exceptional circumstances despite insufficient funds.

Be Prepared

So, the key message is to ensure you are well-prepared before traveling to Spain. Have all the necessary documentation and enough financial resources to cover your expenses during your trip.