Trending on Twitter: Amusing Conspiracy Theory Jokes About Kate Middleton

Where is Kate Middleton these days? Has she disappeared down a rabbit hole or through the back of a wardrobe?

Catherine, Princess of Wales, has not been seen in public since Christmas, sparking curiosity about her current whereabouts. In January, Kensington Palace clarified that the princess had undergone planned abdominal surgery and would gradually return to her royal duties after Easter.

Speculation intensified when Prince William shared a photo of Kate with their three children over the weekend. However, the image was heavily edited, leading several news outlets, including The Associated Press, to retract it.

This mysterious scenario has generated numerous exaggerated conspiracy theories about the princess’s location. While disregarding such speculations, here at HuffPost, we find amusement in the absurd and comical “theories” circulating on social media platforms.

Here are some of the amusing suggestions from a meme where individuals jest about the missing royal figure. Indulge in these whimsical (but fictional) narratives!

  • Kate Middleton supposedly joined the princess protection program.
  • The absence of any Banksy artworks coinciding with Kate Middleton’s disappearance—is it merely a coincidence?
  • A prediction that Kate Middleton will be revealed on the Masked Singer, catching everyone off guard.
  • A humorous theory suggesting a “Freaky Friday” scenario between Kate Middleton and the king, prompting them to hide until they return to their original selves.
  • Kate Middleton vanishing to pursue a degree in graphic design, eager to showcase her newfound skills.
  • A light-hearted prediction depicting Kate Middleton falling in love with a small-town bakery owner incognito, rediscovering the joy of Christmas—a storyline fit for a Netflix film.
  • A playful notion that Kate Middleton is immobilized by a cat sitting on her lap, preventing her from moving.
  • A whimsical theory connecting Slipknot’s drummer dismissal to Kate Middleton’s disappearance, hinting at her potential involvement in their upcoming tour.
  • A fanciful idea that Mary Poppins spirited Kate Middleton away in her bag.
  • Kate Middleton allegedly engrossed in a deep World of Warcraft addiction, requesting to be photoshopped into pictures during a raid.
  • A lighthearted speculation linking Kate Middleton to the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience, prompting her to lie low until the attention subsides.
  • A nod to Kafka’s Metamorphosis, humorously implying Kate Middleton woke up transformed into a giant insect.
  • A playful remark about Avril Lavigne’s replacement gearing up for a new role, teasing a forthcoming debut.
  • A playful observation drawing parallels between Kate Middleton and Carmen Sandiego, suggesting they have never been seen together.
  • A humorous video circulating online, depicting Kate Middleton as a character from a castle-themed show.