Hazards of New Year’s Holiday Travel: Perilous Roads to Beware

Predictions from national financial institutions and various law firms suggest an increase in fatalities related to drunk driving this New Year’s Eve. However, the situation in Sioux Falls appears to deviate from this trend.

Sam Clemens, the Information Officer for the Sioux Falls Police, indicated that unlike other occasions, individuals consuming alcohol over the New Year’s Eve weekend are more inclined to refrain from driving under the influence. Clemens recalled his past experiences on patrol, noting that people would patiently wait for a cab, sometimes for several hours, rather than risking drunk driving.

In the present day, the transportation options have expanded to include not only traditional taxis but also ride-share services.

Clemens expressed his observation that individuals tend to plan ahead more effectively for New Year’s Eve celebrations, leading to a lower incidence of impaired driving compared to other holidays like July 4 or St. Patrick’s Day.

Statistics provided by MoneyGeek reveal a 117% surge in alcohol-related driving fatalities on New Year’s Day nationwide, surpassing the average baseline. Despite this, the National Safety Council (NSC), analyzing data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2021, presented a slightly different perspective. The NSC reported that the New Year’s holiday ranked as the third least dangerous in terms of the daily fatality rate, with higher rates typically observed during the summer holidays.

MarketWatch highlighted the increasing trend of drunk driving incidents in the United States, particularly during the New Year’s holiday, which elevates the risk of alcohol-related fatal accidents.

South Dakota recorded 5,391 DWI arrests in 2022, as reported by the state’s Attorney General in the 2022 crime report. While alcohol-involved crashes constituted 6% of all accidents that year, they were responsible for 32% of fatal collisions, according to the Department of Public Safety’s 2022 motor vehicle crash summary. Among the 121 fatal crashes in 2022, 39 were linked to alcohol consumption.

During the 78-hour New Year’s holiday period in 2022, there were a total of 201 crashes, including 29 that resulted in injuries and three that were fatal.

Compared to other states, South Dakota exhibits a higher rate of impaired driving arrests per capita. Zutobi, an online driver’s education platform, ranked South Dakota second with 915.3 DUI arrests per 100,000 residents. Additionally, Forbes and the American Addiction Centers have also highlighted South Dakota’s concerning statistics in terms of DUI arrests.

Despite a decline in DUI arrests from 2018 to 2022, South Dakota continues to face challenges in combating drunk driving. The data shows that males account for a larger proportion of DUI arrests compared to females, spanning across various age groups.

As the New Year approaches, the Sioux Falls Police will maintain vigilance against impaired driving incidents, emphasizing that such violations can occur at any time and involve drivers of all ages, as reiterated by Clemens. There will be no specific targeting of times or neighborhoods during enforcement efforts, ensuring a comprehensive approach to road safety.