Unintentional Beauty Guru: Woman’s Hilarious Videos Take Internet by Storm

One of the most intriguing aspects of TikTok is its capacity to transform ordinary individuals into influencers, sometimes catching them off guard as they ascend to online fame. This unexpected journey into the spotlight happened to Helena Moody, a 29-year-old social media manager and comedian based in London. Thanks to her viral video about a ghostly foundation shade, she has now inadvertently added “beauty influencer” to her resume.

Moody’s road to TikTok stardom began on March 27th. She posted a video expressing her surprise at being matched to Nars’ lightest shade, Soft Matte Foundation in Oslo. In the video, she humorously commented, “I look like a ghost.” This relatable and engaging content quickly captured the attention of TikTok users, amassing an impressive 14 million views and nearly 800,000 likes.

The popularity of this single video catapulted Moody into the limelight, attracting the interest of beauty brands and establishing her as an overnight success in the beauty influencer space. This unexpected twist is a testament to the unique influence of TikTok, which can transform a simple observation about foundation shade into a launchpad for a new career.

Helena Moody first went viral after shocking viewers with her “ghostly” shade match. Now, she embraces her new role as a self-proclaimed “accidental beauty influencer,” showcasing how anyone can find unexpected opportunities on TikTok.

A great example of how TikTok can be a launchpad for everyday people to become influencers is demonstrated by Moody’s story. This platform has the power to surprise and delight, creating stars out of those who least expect it while offering a unique avenue for self-expression and connection. Helena Moody’s experience serves as a reminder that anyone can go viral on TikTok and embrace unexpected opportunities.

Color Match Shock

The viral video that catapulted Moody into the spotlight captured a moment of genuine surprise and self-reflection. In it, she questions her own perception of her skin tone, unsure if the foundation shade match could be accurate. With a touch of humor, Moody asks, “Am I even alive? Is this how I’d look with flawless skin, free of any redness?”

This relatable moment of self-doubt resonated with many, but it was far from a one-time experiment. As she shared with Newsweek, Moody had already tried the product before:

“I remember panicking about a breakout on my face before a date, so I took some random makeup advice online and rushed to buy this foundation. I didn’t realize how pale it made me look until the next morning when I gasped at my reflection—it was like Edward Cullen from Twilight was staring back at me. Being a comedian, I knew I had to find humor in the situation.”

The video sparked an array of comments, some confirming the uncanny shade match with remarks like, “That woman at Nars knows her stuff because this is an incredible match,” and others commenting on the seamless blend, “I thought it was your natural skin, the foundation is invisible!”

When Moody checked her phone during a soccer match, she was shocked to see her video had reached a staggering 100,000 views. This sudden online fame sparked a healthy curiosity about social media and an eagerness to engage with her growing audience, as evidenced by her playful response to comments suggesting makeup techniques: “Hundreds told me to add blush and bronzer, so I did—and that’s when things really took off!”

This budding comedian seized the opportunity presented by this online attention, using it as a springboard to launch her name and unique brand of humor.

The Allure of Unconventional Influencing

A fascinating miniseries emerged from a video, showcasing Helena Moody’s unique approach to beauty. In these videos, she uses vintage blush discovered in her mother’s wardrobe and an ancient, label-less mascara.

Moody shared, “I received some comments requesting a full-face makeup look. I appreciate the art of makeup on others, but as someone with a decade-long commitment to the same simple routine, the idea of creating an influencer-style ‘get ready with me’ video was hilarious to me.”

“However, that initial video struck a chord and went viral, which made me realize there was something special about this unconventional approach,” she added.

Since her debut video gained traction, Helena Moody has received an influx of free products and gifts from various companies. This unexpected success has led to a unique niche in the influencer space: unconventional product reviews shared through her authentic and lighthearted lens.

Moody continued, “It’s quite bizarre how my silly videos, meant purely for entertainment, have now resulted in me receiving all this gifted makeup. I find it fascinating that people are influenced by my cluelessness about modern beauty products, and the fact that they’re running out to buy the brands I’ve unintentionally promoted is just wild.”

The appeal of Moody’s content lies in her refreshing honesty and the relatability she offers to those who feel overwhelmed by the vast and ever-evolving world of makeup and skincare. Her lighthearted approach to beauty has not only entertained but also inadvertently influenced purchasing decisions, showcasing the power of authenticity and a unique perspective in influencing.

A New Career Path?

“In the spirit of embracing my messy reality, most of my videos are planned a day in advance—or at least that’s what I aim for! Despite my organized spreadsheet, I like to keep things relatable and spontaneous. You’ll definitely be seeing more beauty-related content from me, particularly delving into fashion and skincare. But I’m also eager to explore uncharted territory and try my hand at comedy.

When asked about the potential for a permanent career shift, Moody shared: “Turning my passion for making people laugh into a source of income would be incredible. To be honest, I sometimes struggle to relate to influencers, especially those embodying a pristine image so different from my own.

“My goal is to infuse the influencer realm with a dose of acceptance and raw authenticity, because there’s beauty and humor in embracing our messy realities.”

While Moody has found herself drawn to the beauty sphere, she wants to make one thing clear: “Makeup isn’t my go-to; if I didn’t have acne, I probably wouldn’t wear it. This isn’t a judgment on those who love their makeup routines—it’s a personal preference. My aspiration is for society to move beyond shaming acne so that we can embrace our skin imperfections instead of feeling the need to conceal them.”

A bold and refreshing perspective from Moody as she navigates her journey through content creation and self-discovery!