Steven Yeun Teases Additional Multiverse Cameos in Season 3 Post Spider-Man and Batman: A Humorous Hint

The second installment of Invincible brings Angstrom Levy into the spotlight as a formidable adversary of the main protagonist. Levy’s appearance in the narrative paves the way for Mark Grayson to venture into the multiverse, a concept that reaches its climax in the season finale through intriguing multiversal guest appearances.

Lead voice actor Steven Yeun hinted that the exploration of the multiverse won’t conclude with the second season. In a recent interview, Yeun suggested that more such cameos could follow after the inclusion of characters like Spider-Man and Batman. Here’s a glimpse of the multiversal cameos Yeun envisions for the future and insights into what to expect in Invincible season 3.

Steven Yeun Teases Expanded Multiverse Cameos in Invincible Season 3

The voice actor behind Robert Kirkman’s comic book character Mark Grayson/Invincible, Steven Yeun, recently expressed his enthusiasm for the idea of future crossovers across different dimensions. In the season finale, Mark encounters Agent Spider (voiced by Josh Keaton of The Spectacular Spider-Man) and a Batman-inspired hero, hinting at a broader universe of possibilities.

In an interview with IGN post the second season’s conclusion, Yeun expressed his eagerness to delve into other universes and his aspirations for upcoming multiversal appearances.

“If they let Invincible just tear through every single comic book, we should just go through all the Image stuff. We should end up in Brubaker Land or something like that. That’d be hilarious.”

Yeun’s statement underscores his interest in potential crossovers with characters from various comic book worlds, including references to Ed Brubaker’s Criminal series, known for its gritty crime narratives that could offer a unique juxtaposition to Invincible’s superhero domain.

Steven Yeun Unveils Insights on Invincible Season 3

Beyond the allure of multiversal cameos, Yeun teased fans about Mark’s upcoming journey in the third season of the animated series. As Mark’s family becomes entangled in his superheroic endeavors and romantic pursuits take a back seat, Yeun anticipates a struggle for Mark to balance his dual lives in the upcoming season.

Yeun remarked:

“I think that will just always be somewhat of a struggle for him. He’s being asked to live two lives, and that’s not easy, especially for a young man. So I think he’s going to get more and more aware of himself over time, and that’s the journey that I think we’re all interested in seeing.”

Yeun hinted at a deeper exploration of the family dynamics involving Mark, his mother Debbie, and his half-brother Oliver. While details on the production timeline remain undisclosed, the show’s renewal for a third season in April 2021 has already set the stage for further captivating developments.

Catch Invincible on Amazon Prime Video for an action-packed and multiverse-spanning adventure!